Strategi Software Installation - From Download

Product: Strategi
Modified Date:

This guide provides the steps required to successfully install Strategi by ADVANCED BusinessLink Corporation. All steps below should be completed in the order listed. Any questions regarding installation procedures may be forwarded directly to BusinessLink Technical Support for resolution, which can be reached by phone at (425) 602-4777 or by email at ''.

Due to increased Java application support, the estimated completion time for the Strategi installation is 15-60 minutes--depending upon your iSeries 400 configuration. During installation the IBM command CRTJVAPGM will be run to optimize the JAR files. Strategi will be available for use once all jobs settle to near 0% CPU usage after any install, upgrade or restart.

Strategi V2R7M1

Strategi V2R7M1 is an extension to V2R5M1 supporting all functionality of V2R5M1 with the ability to provide emulation using an ECMASript (Javascript) based emulator that does not require a Java runtime. Standard applet emulation along with Webstyle (graphically enhanced) will still behave normally.

Step 1 - Verify Installation Requirements
Before beginning the installation, ensure the following requirements are met:
  • *SECOFR class operator authority
  • User's message queue must be set to wrap: CHGJOB JOBMSGQFL(*WRAP)
  • OS/400 V7R1M0+
  • Java 8 licensed program per iSeries release (32/64 bit options)
  • base TCP/IP services installed and active
  • one TCP/IP address available for exclusive use (see note)
  • System Value QAUTOCFG needs to be set to '1'
  • System Value QAUTOVRT should be set to '*NOMAX' unless you have other specific system requirements

    Note:   Strategi will require the use of at least one TCP/IP address and the TCP/IP ports 80, 443, 444, 43808, and 43856 for that TCP/IP address.

    This can be a common problem with multiple webservers running at the same time which are configured to use the same TCP/IP address and port. For example, if the IBM HTTP Server is currently active and Strategi was configured using the same TCP/IP address and port during the installation or *ALL was specified on the installation parameter for default website TCP/IP address, Strategi will not start properly. To resolve this issue there are a few options:

  • Reconfigure the default Strategi website to listen on a different HTTP port. Doing so will require a port designation at the end of the Strategi URL. For example, if Strategi was reconfigured to listen on port 8080, the URL to access the Strategi website would be http://nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn:8080.
  • Assign a dedicated TCP/IP address to Strategi. Doing this would remove the requirement to assign a non-standard HTTP port to Strategi.

    The simplest way to determine if there are any TCP/IP address or port conflicts is to work with the job HTTPSERVER located in the STRATEGI subsystem after the installation has completed and the subsystem has been started. The joblog will have a message equivalent to '[INFO] listening on *:80' if successful. If there are conflicts, a message similar to '[ERROR] cannot bind listen socket to address' will exist. If a error message is seen, reconfigure either the ports or the TCP/IP address that Strategi uses until the message '[INFO] listening on...' is displayed in the job log.

    Note:   Strategi will require user *PUBLIC to have read/write/execute (*RWX) data access to the Strategi directory in the Integrated File System (IFS). Failure to conform to this requirement will result in failed attempts to start the Strategi webserver.

  • Verify object authority. Issue the Display Authority (DSPAUT) command with the following parameters:

    DSPAUT OBJ('/')

    If the user *PUBLIC does not have *RWX data authority to the iSeries 400 root directory ('/'), after the installation is complete, data and object authority to the Strategi directory must be granted for specific Strategi user profiles in order for the Strategi webserver to operate successfully.

    Step 2 - Load Strategi iSeries 400 Software
    Visit to download the current GA release. If you experience difficulties logging in based on iSeries serial number or user/password, contact for resolution.

  • Transfer the Strategi archive to a workstation attached to the same network segment as the iSeries 400.
  • Strategi software is sent electronically in self-extracting zip format. Execute (double-click) the archive to unpack the save file.
  • Transfer the save file to the iSeries 400 using FTP (binary). For detailed instructions on file transfer using FTP, click here.
  • Restore all objects from the save file to library QTEMP. For example, if the save file is in library 'QGPL' and is named 'SGI271D', the following RSTOBJ command would suffice:

        SAVLIB(QTEMP) +
        DEV(*SAVF) +
        OBJTYPE(*ALL) +
        SAVF(QGPL/SGI271D) +

  • At an iSeries 400 command line, enter SGIINS and press F4 to prompt the installation command parameters.

    The installation command parameter descriptions are as follows:
  • LIB (Destination Library - default 'STRATEGI')
  • SBS (Subsystem Name - default 'STRATEGI')
  • DIR (IFS Folder - default 'STRATEGI')
  • IPADD (TCP/IP Address - default *ALL)
    NOTE: An IP actual IP address should be used, rather than *ALL. If you don't have one specifically designated for Strategi, the IP address of the iSeries can be used.

    Once install command parameters have been specified, execute the command to begin installation process.

    Step 3 - Set Strategi Licensing Information
    Once the majority of the installation program has completed, the 'Set License Information (SETSGILIC)' screen will appear and licensing information will be requested. Enter the licensing information provided by BusinessLink Technical Support to complete the installation.

    Step 4 - Change Authority to Strategi Directory (if necessary)
    If user *PUBLIC did not have *RWX data authority to the root directory ('/') during Step 1, the Change Authority (CHGAUT) command must be issued against the Strategi directory. If Strategi was installed into a different directory than the default (STRATEGI), replace the OBJ parameter value with the one entered for parameter DIR during Step 2.

        DTAAUT(*RWX) +

  • At an iSeries 400 command line, enter CHGAUT and press F4 to prompt for command parameters.

    The change authority command parameter descriptions are as follows:
  • OBJ (Object to change authority on - '/STRATEGI')
  • DTAAUT (Data authority - *RWX)
  • OBJAUT (Object authority - *ALL)

    Step 5 - Install the available Strategi PTF(s)
  • Once the base install is complete, Visit to download the current PTFs available. If you experience difficulties logging in based on iSeries serial number or user/password, contact for resolution.

    Note: Clear out library QTEMP prior to restoring the PTF

    Completion of steps 1-5 ensure the successful installation of Strategi. Once the installation is complete, the goal should be to start Strategi, create a Strategi user registration and sign onto the iSeries 400 for verification. Our Technical Support staff is responsible for walking customers through this procedure as well as the other features Strategi offers. Contact the support staff to begin this process.

    ** End of Technical Support Bulletin **