Strategi Backup & Restore Procedures |
Product: | Strategi | |
Modified Date: |
Successful backup of Strategi iSeries 400 objects is a relatively simple process. Due to inherent
differences in backup options available the following information should be used only as a guideline
for incorporating Strategi objects into current system backup functions.
Standard Strategi iSeries 400 objects include, but are not limited to, authorization lists, user profiles, library and IFS objects. In addition to Strategi core objects, a successful backup process would include user-written HSM applications and other supporting programs as determined by the systems administrator responsible for the Strategi environment. The following list details the core Strategi objects present in a standard installation. Authorization Lists User Profiles Libraries IFS Objects iSeries 400 operators that are responsible for system backup usually require *JOBCTL and *SAVSYS special authorities. In addition, if Strategi is to be restored to a different iSeries 400, Strategi licensing should be confirmed on both source and target systems. The target system should have at least the same level of licensing as the source system. For example, if the primary system was an enterprise configuration and the license on the backup system was an entry level configuration, the backup system would not be able to support the enterprise configuration due to website and user restrictions inherent in the license. Sample Save Sequence 1. place system in restricted condition using ENDSYS command 2. save security information using the SAVSECDTA command 3. save library STRATEGI using SAVLIB command 4. save IFS directory '/STRATEGI' and all subdirectories using SAV command Sample Restore Sequence 1. restore user profiles (*ALL) using RSTUSRPRF command 2. restore library STRATEGI using RSTLIB command 3. restore IFS directory '/STRATEGI' using RST command 4. restore security information using RSTAUT command Disaster Recovery Options Depending on customer uptime requirements it may be necessary to reserve another iSeries 400 for Strategi use in case the primary machine were to fail. The current version of Strategi has no built-in support for synchronization of Strategi environments between different iSeries 400 systems. If the primary machine were to fail, a full restore to a backup system would be required. For customers who need redundant Strategi environments, third party vendors such as DataMirror specialize in iSeries 400 cluster environments and may be able to provide solutions tailored to individual customer requirements. In this scenario, Strategi object replication between iSeries 400 systems would be maintained separately with the only requirement being adequate licensing on all systems involved. ** End of Technical Support Bulletin ** |
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